Rainbows and Dragonflies

Archive for the ‘Mommyisms’ Category

Three years ago, I first discussed my new mom body image issues. Here I am now 30 pounds lighter and I’m still back and forth with the same internal dialogue. In my head I had an idea of how my body would look at this weight. To not have that fairy tale image realized upsets me from time to time. Even though I was heavier before I got pregnant, I feel like my body was more proportionate. Now I have stretched out skin in my stomach and still have a lumpy area on my right side where Li’l T spent most of his time. Big T has been a sweetheart about all of it. He compliments me a lot and mentions the weight I’ve lost. I can admit that it’s all in my head and I’m very critical of myself. Some days are better than others, though. Especially, if I wear THAT outfit that hides my stomach and shows my other curves. I’m sure that I will always have some things that I don’t like about my body but I’m working on focusing on what I do like. It’s a slow process but I’m trying.

Since, Li’l T was born we’ve put off trips thinking that he’d be too young to enjoy them. It seemed to be a good idea at the time but I’ve started to rethink it. A lot of our friends and family aren’t in this area and we miss out on seeing them. At the end of April we drove to Ohio to visit Bhan and family from BhanVoyage. It was a 7 1/2-8 hour drive through the mountains of Western Maryland, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We discovered that Li’l T is a great road buddy. He sings, talks and just hangs out in the back seat. The drive went really quickly and I now know what the PA Turnpike is. I’m highly considering getting an EZPass in anticipation of more travel. We made about 3 stops total for food, gas and potty breaks.

When we arrived he was immediately enamored with Bhan’s cat and dog (Scrooge and Macy). And even decided that he was going to rest in Macy’s kennel. :-\ It was a fun but short trip. We encountered a little traffic on the way back but Li’l T took it in stride. We only had one mishap when Li’l T got extremely hungry and all of the rest stations were closed. We had to hop off the Turnpike and find a fast food restaurant. A batch of fries in his tummy and he was all good.

Now that we know how he does on long car rides I’m ready, to make some more trips. I wonder where should be we go next?

What we learned from traveling with a little one:

  • Pack LOTS of snacks. You never know when the little belly will need to be filled when there are no restaurants in sight.
  • Don’t be in a rush. Unexpected things happen. Traffic jams, explosive diapers, etc. Just know that going in and add a buffer of extra time.
  • Wear loose comfortable clothing. You’re going to be in the car for a while. Don’t wear anything constricting that will make you uncomfortable during the drive.
  • Take time to rest. Build in time to visit rest stops even if all you do is stretch. Getting out of the car for a few moments can save everyone’s sanity.
  • Pack activities. Give the little one something to do in the backseat. A game, a book, anything to keep the mind occupied.

With mommy at the Pennsylvania line

With Daddy

Easter grass

Poor Bhan's living room after Hurricane Li'l T

Playing in the cat toy

Taking over Macy's crate

For the past few months we’ve been potty training Li’l T with the help of his daycare. They have a schedule at daycare where he goes regularly and he’ll go to the potty without any urging when he’s at home. We’re halfway there. When he went on vacation last month my younger sister bought him his first pack of little boy underwear. I’m not ready for him to be a big boy but it’s about time to get him out of diapers. The glitch in the system is that he hasn’t made the connection yet that he isn’t supposed to go in his undies. If he’s bottomless he hops on the potty but when he has on undies he equates them with diapers and goes in them. I know it’s a process and he’ll get it eventually. I just want to make sure we help him move forward and not backward.

Since he still wears diapers at daycare we’ve been thinking about switching him to some sort of training pants. My head is swimming after reading the pros and cons of disposable versus cloth training pants. At this point I think we’re going to go cloth. One, because it’s eco-friendly, less expensive and we can go back to a similar process that we used for his cloth diapers. Two, I think disposable will be too similar to diapers and it’ll be harder for him to transition to his big boy underwear.

Are you potty training as well? How is it going for you? Do you have a child who’s potty trained and have some tips and tricks to share? Let’s hear it.

Photo Dump

Posted on: August 21, 2012

I’m behind on posting photos so here’s a large photo dump of the  kookiness from the past few months.

Hi everyone. I know that I’ve been gone for a while. Twitter has sucked me in and I’ve neglected my poor space over here.  I miss blogging though so I’M BAAAACK! So, how have things been with us? Let’s review.

Li’l T

  • My baby has started Preschool work this week. Where has the time gone? How is he old enough for this now? I know he can count to 20 and recognize numbers 1-9 but STILL?! I’ll get over it, eventually. LOL
  • He has a fascination with insects. Every small crawling bug is an ant. Every big bug with wings is a bee. A walk outside isn’t complete without him stopping, staring at the ground and yelling ANT!
  • Last month Li’l T went on his yearly week vacation to my hometown. He flew for the FIRST TIME! I can admit that I was a bit messed up because I wasn’t on the flight with him. He flew with my dad and nephew and from what I heard he was a great passenger. I know that he needs to be a regular flyer as a kid so he doesn’t grow up to be like me. Squeamish about taking flights. :-\
  • A few weeks ago he had an incident at daycare with his “girlfriend.” Basically, she’s a sweetheart but she has a big sister that she wrestles with all of the time. The two of them were playing and she pushed him. He fell and scraped up his face. *sigh* I know she didn’t mean it. When I picked him up the two of them were playing as usual. His cuts have healed now and we’re just waiting for his skin tone to even out.
  • Li’l T is VERY territorial about  the back seat. If I open the center console he kicks it closed. My father got into the backseat and Li’l T tried to PUSH him out. I put my arm on the back of the passenger seat when I’m driving in reference and he starts yelling and kicking. *smh* He’s going to have to learn to share.
  • We’re battling his issue with walking in parking lot. He used to not have any problems but he’s been startled by some moving vehicles driving through. It scares him to the point that he tries to get back in the car or run back on the sidewalk. You never know if he’ll want to walk to or from the car of if he’ll want to be carried. Poor thing.
  • Two weeks ago we converted Li’l T’s crib to a toddler bed. He was OVERJOYED that he could climb in and out without anyone’s help. The fun comes in when he doesn’t want to go to sleep. He starts opening and closing his door REPEATEDLY. If he sees someone watching him he runs to his bed and pretends that he is sleeping. 😐 Where do they get these ideas? LOL
  • Favorite words: Help, oh no, mommy, daddy
    • I want to find the person who taught him the word help and drop him off on his/her doorstep. Li’l T will YELL help when he can’t get his way or when he drops something. I’m sure that people think I’m kidnapping him. 😐
    • He’s finally started calling us mommy and daddy. That’s a gift and a curse. He will call me until I answer and sometimes only says “me” repeatedly. Dern kid.
  • Favorite shows: Pocoyo, Fresh Beat Band, Wonder Pets
  • He’s in the parrot phase now. So he repeats EVERYTHING he hears. We have to start being careful around him since we never know when he’s paying attention to us.


  • There is isn’t a whole lot to say about me. Still continuing my fitness. I have a new blog where I post my progress and inspirational thoughts. Check me out over there: http://mommywantsasixpack.tumblr.com/
  • I’m REALLY into sewing now. I’ve done a few skirts and a pair of shorts for Li’l T. In some upcoming posts I’ll recap what went well and what went wrong for each project.

Big T

  • He’s in grad school now and football season has started. So, that’s been a challenge for his and family time BUT we’ll make it work like we always do.

Well, that’s about it. What’s been up with you guys since I last posted?

Mrs. Nicholes over at Houseful of Nicholes is doing a link up today for photos of the weirdest places your child has slept. Normally, Li’l T won’t sleep anywhere but his bed or in the car. It just so happens that this past Saturday he was so tired that he fell asleep on the living room floor. He slept off and on for hours while rolling on to different areas of the floor. We did think about putting him in his crib but feared that he wouldn’t go to sleep then.

I finally have video of one of Li’l T’s many drum solos. We have a little musician on our hands. Notice that he counts off in between. LOL

Jill over at Life Is Not Bubble Wrapped had an idea for a meme and I’m all about memes. 🙂 Fist Bump Fridays and Just Fishin’ Fridays. Fist Bump Fridays are where you describe a triumph from the week. Just Fishin’ Fridays are where you talk about making moments with the kids and they don’t realize it’s happening. I’m going with Just Fishin’ Friday this week.

We always read Li’l T a story before he goes to bed. Earlier this week, while I was sitting on the floor after putting onhis PJs, he sat down between my legs. He was ready for story time then and didn’t want to wait for me to sit in the chair. I read one book and then another while he leaned against me. He laughed along with the stories and I couldn’t help but laugh as well. It was such a simple thing to him as he pointed at pictures in the books but it meant so much more to me. My heart swelled with pride to know that he loves to read and interact with his books.

Lately, the weather has been cluing us in to the fact that Summer is coming to an end. Tomorrow, is the first day of my favorite season, Fall. I’ve been very busy at work so the summer kind of dragged by without much acknowledgement from me. We did get to hang out some so I wanted to do a farewell ode to summer.

In July, Li’l T attended a birthday pool party. He loves water so he was gung ho even though the water was a little cool. He wasn’t very happy about getting out so we could go inside to eat. LOL

Later on that month we took Li’l T and my nephew to a baseball game. Mets vs Nationals. Great fun even though Li’l T got restless before the end.

In August, we went to the Baltimore Aquarium. I was very impressed by the building and features. Not so much but the high ticket prices. :-\

It’s the week that I’ve been dreading/looking forward to. Li’l T is down south with my family. This past Saturday we met my sisters and nephew in NC to do the pick up. I wanted us to sit down for a bit so he could get used to them again. I was concerned that he might panic but my worries were unfounded. It didn’t take long for him to warm up to everyone at my uncle’s house. He met my aunt, uncle and my cousin’s kids and had a ball. When we were about to leave we noticed that my car had a split tire. We got a new one while Li’l T headed to SC. He’s stayed with my younger sister and today my father had one on one time with him. I miss him but I’m not as sad as I thought I’d be. He’s having a great time and making lots of friends. Big T and I have gone out to celebrate our anniversary and his birthday. It was a great feeling to be out and not have to run home. I had forgotten what that was like. Li’l T will be back Saturday and my nephew will be staying with us for a week. I will enjoy this time while he’s away but I will be happy when he’s back.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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